Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Privacy is a hot topic in society. I admire people who still value their privacy. It's nice to know that there are still people who exist that don't mind saying, "These aspects of my life are off limits to the public." I think that everybody needs parts of themselves that are just for themselves. For example, I find that some people find me extremely reserved, which is true for the most part; however, there are other elements of my personality that aren’t as reserved. I only reveal certain characteristics to a select few people and the rest are mine. No one should have complete access to you, not even your partner or your friends and family. The world is incredibly loud, and it’s hard to keep the noise out and the quiet in. That’s why privacy is significant. Each person needs a space that is silent. Besides, before the age of social media, people lived their lives privately, which made the best and worst moments of people’s lives confidential, not universal. Make sure that before you hit that “post” or “tweet” button, you can deal with the mental and physical repercussions of exposing your personal matters. I strongly advise against it, but what do I know? I’m just some schmuck whose blog you may or may not read from time to time. ðŸ˜Š

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Biggie Smalls

Gotcha! You thought this post was about the rapper. Well, you're wrong, folks, but it's all good bay bay baby. Just a friendly remin...